What has GMRI done in 2021, and where are we going in 2022?

Did you know that GMRI is 100% funded by individual supporters like you? Thank you for your support! With your help, in 2021, GMRI has made much progress toward providing clear biomedical evidence of the effects of prayer for healing:

Juvenile Macular Degeneration case report published in a scientific journal https://www.sciencedirect.com/…/pii/S1550830720300926

Published an article in the Christian History Magazine (pages 53, 54) https://christianhistoryinstitute.org/uploaded/ch142s.pdf

Communicated our work at the Voice of the Apostles conference in Woodbridge, VA

Developed a partnership with researchers in Europe – to expand our mission to other countries

Continued to develop our partnership with the University of Maryland, to carry out a randomized, controlled clinical trial of prayer effects on pain and anxiety

What is our goal in 2022? Where will the money go?

The donated money will go to publish at least one case report. We have case reports in the works on miraculous healings of conditions like glycogen disorder, spinal cord injury, Parkinson disease, severe malabsorption, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome/Stiff person syndrome, retinal detachment and Leber’s Hereditary Optic Atrophy.

We want to start our clinical trial of prayer for pain and anxiety at the University of Maryland in Baltimore, our plans got stopped with the pandemic, but we are hoping to be able to start this soon. Our work was featured in documentary movie – sendproof.com

We are developing new media partnerships to publicize our results further. We can’t say more just yet, but we are working with a nationally known TV personality to develop a TV series and another documentary film.

We will continue developing partnerships with ministries to receive healing testimonies.

Will you help us to show even more medical evidence of healing through prayer in 2022? Please consider supporting our work today!

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