Applying rigorous methods of evidence-based medicine to study
What is GMRI?
GMRI is a non-profit research organization dedicated to medical and scientific studies of claimed miraculous healing through prayer. Our mission is to investigate the efficacy of healing prayer with the methods of case studies and randomized and controlled clinical trials, utilizing rigorous methods of research.
Case reports
Investigate medically inexplicable healing in response to a Christian Spiritual Intervention.
Clinical trials
Evaluate the effects of prayer involving vision, trauma, pain, anxiety, and addictions.
Document our findings in Christian Spiritual Healing in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Miraculous Healing Published in Medical Journal
Miraculous Healing Published in Medical Journal
The doctors saw the medical evidence of miraculous healing through prayer… and the case was so remarkable that it was published in a peer-reviewed medical journal!
Global Medical Research Institute (GMRI) have recently published a peer-reviewed case report of blindness healed through prayer. We have very strong medical evidence of a miracle here. The case concerns a woman who was blind for 12 years with documented juvenile macular degeneration, and who was instantaneously healed after her husband prayed for her.
You can read our full medical report of the healing absolutely free here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.explore.2020.02.011 and see more about our case reports here.
Testing the power of prayer
Can the power of healing through prayer be proven empirically?
Joshua W. Brown, professor of psychological and brain sciences at Indiana University and chair of the Global Medical Research Institute, and Clarissa C. Romez, research assistant at GMRI, shed light on the history of scientific studies on the power of prayer in healing and how Christian scientists study healing prayer today.
Read more here.
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Is there enough evidence that prayer affects health more than inactive medication? If so, does prayer help or harm?
If you or someone you know has experienced a medically inexplicable healing that may be associated with Christian Spiritual Healing, please let us know by clicking the link below.