The doctors saw the medical evidence of miraculous healing through prayer… and the case was so remarkable that it was published in a peer-reviewed medical journal!
Global Medical Research Institute (GMRI) has recently published a peer-reviewed case report of blindness healed through prayer. We have very strong medical evidence of a miracle here. The case concerns a woman who was blind for 12 years with documented juvenile macular degeneration, and who was instantaneously healed after her husband prayed for her. The case report and details can be accessed here:
See more of our case reports here.
The Global Medical Research Institute carefully investigates medical evidence of the effects of Pentecostal and charismatic prayer for healing. If you want to stay informed, be sure to like our page
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About The Author: Clarissa Romez
Clarissa has a Master's in Molecular Biology from the University of BrasÃlia (UnB) and is passioned about bridging the gap between Science and Faith. She works as a research assistant for GMRI investigating healing testimonies and writing case reports about them.
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